
Dancefloor Lover – Musical Film

Dancefloor lover – the film missing between A Star is Born & Dirty Dancing

Musical Film – in development

One night, June Caravel went to dance the blues. Troubled by the almost instant closeness of bodies, she writes the song Dancefloor Lover when she gets back. Still troubled, she writes a script. She shows it to the filmmaker Alix Véronèze. Together, they rewrite the script and want to make the film happen.

Pitch : Lisa is a happy mother and a blues singer. One night, she discovers that the music she has been cherishing for so long is also a dance. That night, a fan, David, invites her on the dance floor. But dancing the blues is much more dangerous than it seems…

Avancement du projet : the songs are composed, a part of them is recorded, the script is written, the playlist is ready. June Caravel is looking for producers for this film.

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